What is the cost of your appeasement?

Lana Jelenjev
1 min readJun 22, 2021

This pieces was written during a “Healing Histories” workshop for Shift Foundation

What is the cost of your appeasement?

When you adjust, accommodate, sacrifice yourself to someone else, to cultural expectations, to your family, to your circumstances.



What is the cost of your appeasement?

What is the cost of your silence?

the cost of your grief unexpressed?

the cost of bending?

Or moving, of giving so much breadth and space to someone else that you find yourself shrinking.


Questioning your worth and your identity.

What is the cost of your appeasement?

Of you not showing up fully with your desires, your aspirations, your hopes.

What is the cost of your appeasement?

As you limit yourself to pieces that you cannot see yourself anymore.

As you see the person in the mirror and find someone foreign, someone alien. Someone disconnected.




What is the cost of your appeasement?



Lana Jelenjev

Author of The 90 Day Action Planner, Community Builder: Designing Communities for Change. Community Alchemist and Learning Experience Designer.