Lana Jelenjev
3 min readMar 19, 2021


As a community leader, manager, founder, builder- how connected are you to your own purpose?

In a session that I recently facilitated, I guided a group of founders to explore their relationship with purpose. Sharing this process here for you to also try on your own time and in your own pace.

For most of us, exploring our purpose is a challenging process. These series of prompts can help you reflect on what Purpose means for you and help you connect it to your lived experiences. We will be taking in a systemic and intergenerational lens on what PURPOSE means. Read on and reflect!

PURPOSE AND YOU. Think of a memory or experience from your childhood where you felt you are connected with your purpose.

  • How old were you?
  • Who was with you in this memory?
  • What was it that you were doing?
  • Where do you feel this memory in your body?

Reminisce and feel where that memory resides in your body. Journal what came up for you in this exercise.

PURPOSE AND YOUR FAMILY. Now think of a memory or experience from your…



Lana Jelenjev

Author of The 90 Day Action Planner, Community Builder: Designing Communities for Change. Community Alchemist and Learning Experience Designer.